A new breed of automated testing is becoming increasingly popular supporting the very idea of a picture to picture comparison is called visual regression.
A visual regression can be applied to front-end, user interface(UI) or embedded products with display rendering capability. A visual regression tool performs front-end, user interface(UI) or embedded product regression testing by capturing the screenshots of web pages/UI/Frame Buffer and compare them with the gold sample images (either historical screenshots or reference images that can be trusted). If a new image is not 100% match then visual regression tool can alert you and/or provide percentile of the match and/or return a result/diff image highlighting the areas where changes have been detected. User can use that information for record purpose so appropriate action can be triggered.
Many organization already use tools like Selenium, Cypress, WebdriverIO for an end to end testing, so image capturing capabilities are already inbuilt. In the context of embedded product testing, the product shall have an API that lets user capture a frame-buffer at run time. Once you have an image then only step required is to have a utility that compares images and provide diff between two images and percentage of mismatch.
Understanding the above requirements, Artos has taken a generic approach to cater to all kinds of testing. From build 13, Artos provides inbuilt utilities which let you do the following.
Compare PNG or JPG images pixel by pixel and store result image to desired location.
Request match percentage after image compare.
Request result/diff image after image compare.
Record images/snapshots to the Extent report.
package com.tests.selenium;
import java.io.File;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import org.openqa.selenium.OutputType;
import org.openqa.selenium.TakesScreenshot;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver;
import com.artos.annotation.*;
import com.artos.framework.Enums.TestStatus;
import com.artos.framework.infra.TestContext;
import com.artos.interfaces.TestExecutable;
import com.artos.utils.Guard;
import com.artos.utils.ImageCompare;
import com.artos.utils.UtilsFile;
@TestPlan(preparedBy = "arpit", preparationDate = "25/08/2019", bdd = "GIVEN webpage is not modified since last regression then visual regression should pass")
public class Sample_Selenium implements TestExecutable {
public void testUnit_1(TestContext context) throws Exception {
// -----------------------------------------------------
WebDriver fireFoxDriver = (WebDriver) context.getGlobalObject("FIREFOX_DRIVER");
// Take snapshot using Selenium
String relativePathToImage = "./reporting/testImage.png";
File destFile = takeSnapShot(fireFoxDriver, relativePathToImage);
// Store snapshot to the report file
context.setTestStatus(TestStatus.PASS, destFile, "Managed to display page successfully");
File goldSample = new File("./goldsamples/test.png");
ImageCompare ic = new ImageCompare();
ic.compare(goldSample, destFile, new File("./reporting"), "Result_Image");
File resultFile = ic.getResultImage();
// Store result image to report
context.setTestStatus(TestStatus.PASS, resultFile, "Result Image is stored for user reference");
// if image match is not 100% then throw an exception
Guard.guardEquals(100, ic.getPercentageMatch());
// -----------------------------------------------------
public void beforeTest(TestContext context) {
System.setProperty("webdriver.gecko.driver", "./assets/driver/geckodriver_64bit.exe");
WebDriver firefoxDriver = new FirefoxDriver();
firefoxDriver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(20, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
context.setGlobalObject("FIREFOX_DRIVER", firefoxDriver);
public void tearDown(TestContext context) {
WebDriver fireFoxDriver = (WebDriver) context.getGlobalObject("FIREFOX_DRIVER");
public static File takeSnapShot(WebDriver webdriver, String fileWithPath) throws Exception {
// Convert web driver object to TakeScreenshot
TakesScreenshot scrShot = ((TakesScreenshot) webdriver);
// Call getScreenshotAs method to create image file
File srcFile = scrShot.getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE);
// Move image file to new destination
File destFile = new File(fileWithPath);
// Copy file at destination
UtilsFile.copyFile(srcFile, destFile, true);
return destFile;